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@switchingsocial thanks!! the only tweaks might be to mention:
* Matrix is an open standard managed by the non-profit Foundation (so folks are constantly building clients, bots, bridges etc)
* Matrix supports E2E encryption based around the Double Ratchet Algorithm (as popularised by Signal)
* Matrix isn’t just federated (like email) but also decentralised (like git). Each conversation is replicated over all participating servers so there is *no* single point of control or failure.
what point is there at having an open standard if there's only one implementation of the server?
@Wolf480pl@switchingsocial because there are several impls in active dev which will succeed the initial one? without an open standard there would be none.
well, if I recall correctly, IETF has a rule that before you make something a standard, you need to have at least two independent working implementations. I think it helps develop better specs and iron out the details before you call it a standard.
@Wolf480pl@switchingsocial sure, but there’s a bootstrapping problem there. we are basically at the point of having a 1.0 spec at last which can unlock alt server impls properly at last.