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I finally got around to testing a bunch of GNU/Linux chat apps that support the @matrix protocol. Not one of them was suitable for production use;

... which I'm presuming means there still isn't a functional Matrix client for mobile GNU devices like the PinePhone and Librem5.

#Chat #Matrix #MobileGNU #PinePhone #Librem5

@Strypey FWIW, spectral is abandoned. NeoChat is its successor. It recently added encryption support, so it may be a while before that makes it to the various distros.

I'm surprised that Nheko crashed when you entered the full Matrix ID. What version of Nheko were you trying?

>.What version of Nheko were you trying?

The one currently shipped from the Trisquel 11 repos.

> spectral is abandoned. NeoChat is its successor

I'll let the Trisquel crew know.

@Strypey That nheko issue could be which is fixed in the latest version of nheko.
Hopefully that version will soon make it into the versions of Debian and Ubuntu that Trisquel 11 is based off (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS), so I can have another go.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
it's likely you were using old versions (in addition to old apps, for several of them).
Current nheko is quite good, and I think NeoChat and Fractal have seen significant progress, though I haven't tested them recently.
FluffyChat is also available as a flatpak and works decently.

> it's likely you were using old versions

This is pretty common when installing apps from the software repos operated by distros. I guess what I'm testing is the HX (Human eXperience) for GNU/Linux newbies who install a distro and start installing apps using Add the obvious /Remove programs UI. Not knowing they're usually served heavily out-of-date versions. It's a pretty dire situation.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

Until these debian-stable-based distros start proposing flatpak by default, yes.

I mostly meant that

> I'm presuming means there still isn't a functional Matrix client for mobile GNU devices like the PinePhone and Librem5.

was not the right thing to conclude from your experience ;)

So is there a functional Matrix client for mobile GNU device?
sure, as I said, nheko and Fluffychat work just fine and I heard Fractal and NeoChat are also good.

> nheko and Fluffychat work just fine and I heard Fractal and NeoChat are also good

Cool, I thought you were commenting on them as desktop clients. I'll try them when I figure out how to get an up-to-date OS onto my PinePhone.

that's the beauty of it, they are both good desktop and mobile clients ;)

> they are both good desktop and mobile clients

Good to know. In my limited experience with my PinePhone, this is not a given ; )

> Until these debian-stable-based distros start proposing flatpak by default

Is there a way they could use FlatPak without FlatHub?

yes, that's the direction Purism is taking with their PureOS, flatpak can use any repo, it's a bit like like f-droid.
Some distros like Fedora already have their own flatpak repo*
I though the same until I tried the nightly version of fractal ; it is really good!

> I though the same until I tried the nightly version of fractal

The Fractal version I tested was 4.4.2, installed from FlatHub, using the Software Manager in LMDE 5. I'll try again after the final version 5.0 ships.


This entry was edited (7 months ago)

So what versions did I test? The only Trisquel version supported right now is Nabia (11). The current versions in the repos for each app I tested were;

* Nheko: 0.6.4 (latest stable release is v0.11.3)

* Quaternion: (latest stable release is

* Revolt: Not even sure, see;

* Spectral: Again, not sure, see;

More recent versions/ reboots may be available in Aramo (Trisquel 12), which is currently in beta.

@hubert @silmathoron

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

> Aramo (Trisquel 12)... is currently in beta.

I'm wrong! Trisquel Aramo (12) was released in March this year. I haven't yet updated, which would explain why the versions in the repos were so old.

It's still terrible that we're supplying apps that don't work at all, from the official repos of a supported version.
